1) Is there a guarantee for the delivery of your Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets?You will be notified of the approximate ship date after you order. Typically Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets are shipped within 1 business day but there may be cases where the pop & rock tickets are not shipped right away. We guarantee that your Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets will arrive to you in time for the event. If it is not possible to get your Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets to you in time by shipping, we will arrange for you to pick them up locally or at the venue will call office before the pop & rock event.
2) Can I select my own seats for the Catfish And The Bottlemen event?Yes, you can! View our inventory of Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets and select the seat with a price that fits your budget. Our selection of pop & rock tickets are updated frequently, so check our site often if you do not initially find a Catfish And The Bottlemen seat that meets your price requirements. We offer the lowest prices around so you are bound to find good pop & rock seats to see Catfish And The Bottlemen in your location.
3) Are the listed prices for Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets different from their face value?In most cases, the listed price will be different from the face value of the Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets. The posted price for these Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets is determined by the ticket broker. Ticket brokers need to account for expenses in obtaining the tickets, delivery charges, convenience fees, and other charges in addition to the cost of acquiring the Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets. Buyers may pay more or less than face value for their Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets.
4) How do I find the seats for Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets?On the page containing Catfish And The Bottlemen ticket details, the general location may be listed if they were provided by the ticket broker. (ticket notes under ticket listing) We do not require the seat numbers to be listed by the ticket brokers for the privacy of the buyer and seller. If the Catfish And The Bottlemen seat numbers are not listed, buyers can rest assured that all seats purchased from a single listing will be located together unless otherwise clearly stated in the Catfish And The Bottlemen ticket notes.
5) What if the Catfish And The Bottlemen event is postponed?If the Catfish And The Bottlemen event is postponed, your Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets will be usable for the postponed event. Since this may be subject to exceptions, you can contact the ticket broker of your Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets to confirm. Call or send the broker an email using the seller contact information that TicketSupply.com provided to you when you bought your Catfish And The Bottlemen tickets.